it’s far from perfect, but was able to:


  1. creat a mail account somewhere
  2. yum install sendemail and hpacucli


  1. mail the status of the raid
  2. show colorful on console status of raid (rebuilding orange, failed drive red, everything ok or unkown status white)


  1. smart data of all drives

one will have to make sure all the proper hw raid controller interaction software-packages are installed.

vim /scripts/

# tested with:
# hardware: hp proliant DL360 G6 with p410i hw raid controller)
# software: hpacucli
# Centos7
# hpacucli version
#   ACU CLI Version:
#   SoulAPI Version:

# this script shall monitor the status of the hp hardware raid 
# if a drive of the raid goes into failed or Rebuilding
# a mail shall be send to the administrator
# the mail will contain the status of the raid
# as well as since when the raid is rebuilding (so administrator knows aprox how long rebuild might take)

# packages required:
# yum install sendemail lspci

start_time=$(date '+DATE: %Y-%m-%d TIME: %H:%M:%S'); # start time of this script
start_rebuild=""; # start tim eof detected rebuild
status_raid=""; # the status of the raid
status_hpacucli=""; # status how hpacucli is printing it

# define colors
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
echo "" > /var/log/raid.log; # reset raid.log

echo "=== hp hardware raid monitoring script started on $start_time ==="  |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
echo "=== controller status: ==="
hpacucli controller all show status |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;

while true; do

	echo "============================================="|tee -a /var/log/raid.log;

	status_hpacucli=$(/sbin/hpacucli ctrl slot=0 pd all show);
	/sbin/hpacucli ctrl slot=0 pd all show|tee -a /var/log/raid.log; # output hpacucli output line by line

	status_raid=""; # the status of the raid
	CURRENT_DATE=$(date '+DATE: %Y-%m-%d TIME: %H:%M:%S');

	if [[ $status_hpacucli == *"uilding"* ]]; then

		if [ -z "$start_rebuild" ]; then
			start_rebuild=$(date '+DATE: %Y-%m-%d TIME: %H:%M:%S');

		echo -e "${ORANGE}*** $CURRENT_DATE WARNING raid is recovery from failure (rebuild since $start_rebuild) have good backups in place in case of secondary drive outage${NC}" |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
		interval=600; # send mail every 10min about build process

	elif [[ $status_hpacucli == *"ailed"* ]]; then
		echo -e "${RED}***** $CURRENT_DATE WARNING FATAL: a drive went offline(failed) - replace immediately${NC}" |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
		interval=60; # send mail about fail every 1min
		echo -e "${WHITE}* $CURRENT_DATE WARNING GOOD OR UNKOWN: raid status is either good or not listed here${NC}" |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
		start_rebuild=""; # reset
		interval=3600; # send mail about good raid  every 1hour

	echo "============================================="|tee -a /var/log/raid.log;

	echo "=== gathering general info about the sever ==="|tee -a /var/log/raid.log;

	mypublicip=$(dig TXT +short;
	echo " == server's public ip: $mypublicip ==" >> /var/log/raid.log
	mail_subject="RAID STATUS of $(hostname)@$mypublicip";

	hostnamectl >> /var/log/raid.log;
	# df -h >> /var/log/raid.log;
	# ip addr show >> /var/log/raid.log;

	echo "=== trying to find all installed raid controllers: ==="  |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
	lspci -knn | grep 'RAID bus controller' |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
	echo "=== saving raid config to /etc/raid.config.backup ==="  |tee -a /var/log/raid.log;
	/sbin/hpacuscripting -c /etc/raid.config.backup

	# mail the log
	sendemail -o tls=yes -s -f -t -u "$mail_subject" -xu -xp "28dhf87fh23" -m "$mail_subject" -a /var/log/raid.log

	sleep 60;

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