
  • get a Laptop/PC/VirtualMachine with Debian 9 64Bit and install Arduino IDE 64Bit for Linux
    • one could use OSX, but sorry, no Windows is not an option X-D
  • attach Arduino with a USB-Printer-Cable like here.
  • might need to fix some access right problems of USB serial port /dev/ttyACM0
chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0



// this program will make LED blink in 50ms durations
// tested on: Arduino MEGA 2560
// setup: attach LED to Digital Port 24+GND

const int LEDdelay = 50; // in ms

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(24, OUTPUT); // define PIN 24 as output pin

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  digitalWrite(24, HIGH); // switch PIN 24 on/high/voltage
  delay(LEDdelay); // wait for x ms
  digitalWrite(24, LOW); // switch PIN 24 off/low/no voltage
  delay(LEDdelay); // wait for x ms


// about:     this program will make LED blink fast then slower and slower ;)
// tested on: Arduino MEGA 2560
// setup:     attach LED to Digital Port 24+GND

// put your setup code here, to run once:
void setup() {
  pinMode(24, OUTPUT); // define PIN 24 as output pin

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void loop() {
  for(int i=0;i<300;){
    digitalWrite(24, HIGH); // switch PIN 24 on/high/voltage
    delay(i); // wait for x ms
    digitalWrite(24, LOW); // switch PIN 24 off/low/no voltage
    delay(i); // wait for x ms

if the led is blinking:

congratulations! 🙂

if not: try to “turn LED around” (pull out LED and swap PINs), change polarization, change + to – .

if the led is blinking then:

congratulations! 🙂

other fun projects:

what kind of languages/programs run on Arduino?

the Arduino IDE is written in C/C++ (GitHub Repo)

and the Arduino itself – being a very minimalist computer – is running C/C++ code.

“the Arduino language is merely a set of C/C++ functions that can be called from your code. Your sketch undergoes minor changes (e.g. automatic generation of function prototypes) and then is passed directly to a C/C++ compiler (avr-g++). All standard C and C++ constructs supported by avr-g++ should work in Arduino. For more details, see the page on the Arduino build process.”

online web based editor for Arduino:

control Minecraft: Pi Edition using a apples X-D

why? why not! X-D

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