About BitCoin BlockExplorer

Hash Rate Demonstrates the amount of total computing power that is estimated to secure the bitcoin network. It’s one of the most important elements to bitcoin’s network security. The more hash rate, the greater the level of bitcoin network security […]

Kostenloser Versicherung Versicherungs Vergleich Rechner VergleichsRechner Hausrat Haftpflicht Gebäude Recht und Unfall – von Stiftung Warentest empfohlen

https://www.nafiauto.de/NOVA/pages/nafiauto/start.aspx Kostenloser NAFI Auto Versicherungs-Vergleichs Rechner Hausrat Haftpflicht Gebäude Recht und Unfall man muss sehr detaillierte Angaben machen… z.B. die Schuh-Größe der Grossmutter, dafür bekommt man auch den best-möglichen Tarif. Stiftung Warentest verlangt dafür 7.50€ https://www.test.de/kfz-versicherungsvergleich-1575560-0/ echt krasser BigData Kapitalismus. […]

howto postgres – multi threaded backup and restore

postgres borrows concepts from mysql (now mariadb) postgres and mariadb are borth great databases, thanks all involved. (how to setup postgres 12 on centos 8 (very very latest)) let’s dive into hit: how to postgres: hostnamectl; # tested on Virtualization: […]

German Court declares Worldwide mass surveillance unconstitutional

Worldwide mass surveillance by Germany’s intelligence (BND) service declared unconstitutional in landmark ruling on press freedom in the digital age “The ruling, the most far-reaching in this field in the past 20 years, sends an important signal for the protection […]

2020-05-18 Russian IT Security Updates

SecurityLab, [21.04.20 15:35] Bitdefender experts have reported a malicious campaign against oil and gas companies. Attackers use targeted phishing and send emails to victims on behalf of logistics companies and engineering contractors. The goal of the campaign is to infect […]

how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian – (Apache2 php7.3 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug – step debugging php requests in eclipse pdt on debian 10 buster (LAMP web development stack)) – how to enable mariadb mysql log file creation logging (also restarts) – how to Error occurred: (1034, “Index for table ‘proc’ is corrupt; try to repair it”)

setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]

2020-04-21 Russian IT Security Updates

As part of the April “fix Tuesday”, Microsoft fixed 113 vulnerabilities in various products, including three zero-day vulnerabilities in Windows that were used in attacks to execute arbitrary code and increase privileges. Two zero-day issues (CVE-2020-1020 and CVE-2020-0938) were contained […]

please update your Firefoxes and Chromiums

Debian Security Advisory DSA-4655-1 firefox-esr — security update Date Reported: 08 Apr 2020 Affected Packages: firefox-esr Vulnerable: Yes Security database references: In Mitre’s CVE dictionary: CVE-2020-6821, CVE-2020-6822, CVE-2020-6825. More information: Multiple security issues have been found in the Mozilla Firefox […]